Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Senate seat for sale!

Only 2500 bucks apparently for a seat in the Senate. Okay, we don't really know how much governor Rod Blagojevich was asking... and he's not convicted yet anyway. With that disclaimer out of the way, wow! Typical Chicago politics, eh? Good thing we don't elect folks from Illinois for major public office, imagine the sort of things they would have to do to succeed in an environment like that? I mean, one would have to attend the right revolutionary theology church, pay homage to the right radical and make sure to pay off the right real estate crook just to have a shot at being elected to state office...

Okay, that was a bit of a cheap shot. And, I assume every politician is corrupt so I'm not terribly offended when one gets caught.

Still the question presents itself: will this have an effect on the Obama presidency? It is 'his' senate seat, his party's governor and early supporter of his campaign. So guilt by association applies.

The quick answer to whether or not this will hurt Obama is "no." A few reasons:
1) Nobody natoinally knew who this governor was before just now, so the fall from grace isn't really that far. Thus, can't pull Obama down too far either.
2) Obama is not in state politics anymore, he's distant enough to say "who's that guy?" without any problem.
3) Obama's still coated with Teflon. There's no way something that doesn't directly link Obama with aproving of the governor's "sale" will actually hurt him because he's too well liked. E.G.: Reagan during Iran-Contra. He can get away with a simple denial because most want to believe him.
4) This governor was very unpopular before he was corrupt - Obama is popular - they clearly have nothing to do with each other...

I could list another dozen reasons but you get the theme, Obama's too popular, too far removed and too slick for this to even be remembered outside of circles that already hate him.

It's been a bad week for the governor of Illinois, but not so bad for Obama. I predict it will stay contained to Blagojevich's office and maybe those folks who were putting in bids if the prosecutor can prove it. Obama should simply deny deny deny and then demand that everyone "move on with the business of the country" and he will be fine.

He could also distract the public with this story from Japan


Ariel White said...

Or perhaps it won't hurt him because he had nothing to do with it? Seems plausible to me, in light of the news coverage I've seen of the story. This post was a cheap shot indeed.

Toby said...

Oh, the shots at Wright, Ayers and Resco were cheap considering that the election's over.

Whether Obama knew that his seat was being sold has only a little to do with the politics of this episode. For example, how many times was Bush called 'murderer' or worse? Bush probably hasn't murdered anyone. Still, he was attacked to some effect.

So that Obama probably didn't sell his seat doesn't actually mean he's not vulnerable to criticism... and to some effect. There are reasons beyond truth that people win and lose political power; including having crooked friends.

Do I think it's likely that he knew his seat was being sold? No.

Do I believe that he never talked to the governor about his replacement? No.

Does that make Obama a 'liar' when he denies that he ever talked to the governor? Probably.

He's also a politician... I, for one, forgive him and imagine everybody else will too.

If Obama really was not at all involved with who would replace him as a Senator I'd be shocked and worried! He *should* have something to say about that if for no other reason than he wants to have an ally in the Senate.

Blake On Wax said...

Looks like somebody is still bitter their guy didn't win.......

Its been pretty clear that Obama and Blago have been on the outs for some time now. Reading the transcripts I think the good Governor has actually done the best job of clearing Obama in the eyes of the public, I felt like I was reading the script of a Sopranos episode. Its nice to be in Oregon where we would never run into this kind of situation with Senate appointments.

Barring some unforeseen event I don't think anybody will be talking about this by 1/20.

Toby said...

Oh yeah, you're right about the gov.'s lack of umm, affinity for Obama. That's pretty a clear indication that Obama didn't have much to do with this in particular. The fact of Chicago politics remains. Obama is a product of this environment even if he was just playing along as a platform to go higher. I really don't mind even, pols are corrupt to one level or another.

I'm pretty sure every politician I've ever met or worked for has broken one election law in particular. That includes most every Democrat in the state... While I worked for Edwards we got every fundraising list in the state despite the fact that sharing them is illegal. I recall we even got the Secretary of State's lists... ironic right?

I think it'll be dead by New Years too.