Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ad Alert

Unless you live in a swing state you don't get the great pleasure of being bombarded by the campaign ads. That's why you come here people. The videos below are the most recent entries by both campaigns.

McCain's latest attempt to use the Democrat's words against them.

And Obama...

I gotta admit, rightly or wrongly, McCain's winning the ad wars.

2 comments: said...

Wow, I actually have to agree with you. So far I have to agree with critics saying the Obama campaign has been more advanced in marketing and campaign strategies than any before, but this is just bland and easily ignored.
McCain's was pretty entertaining.

Toby said...

The Obama ads have been good. This one is good even. It's just that McCain has so much ammunition from the primary. He never has to criticize Obama himself, just play democrats. It really insulates him from being a "bad guy" with his negative ads.