Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cancel the Convention

McCain has a real problem. As reprehensible as some have been in cheering Gustav in the hopes that it will damage John McCain, they are still right. This could be a disaster for the RNC. McCain cannot be seen playing the fiddle while New Orleans drowns. So, what do you do?

I say postpone the convention and get on a plane to Louisiana. Mayor Nagan seems to be serious this time. He's invited the Bush, Obama, and McCain to be on point when this storm hits. I don't think that this is an invitation that McCain or Bush can afford to ignore.

I'm aware that setting up the armed camp that must come with these candidates and the president will not help, materially, those who are in the way of the storm, but the symbolism is critical. Get there, raise some money, make a speach, and forget the party in St. Paul for now.


Ariel White said...

Oh, my. I really hope the American people are savvy enough not to think that presidential candidates could actually be helpful in emergencies like this. Showing up in the wake of a huge hurricane, diverting resources to some photo-op? Seems something worse than inconsiderate.

Toby said...


You're so very right. However, the American people are not smart enough to realize that the exact last place you want the president is in the middle of things.

Also, those who are smart enough to realize it are perfectly happy to score points against their opponents on those same grounds. RE: Bush doesn't care because he flew over New Orleans in '05 instead of landing and seeing the damage for himself. It was a vapid and moronic argument that contributed to the Republicans losing the election in 2006.

So, I say cancel the convention, not because in a fair world it makes sense but because the world isn't fair. Remember Clinton's "I feel your pain" moment in '92. He was wildly successful by employing the same sort of shallow tactics that an appearance in New Orleans would be today.

These sorts of demonstrations matter because they build the political capital needed to actually do something substantial that hopefully isn't as idiotic.

So yes, you're dead on right, and it's unfortunately irrelevant. Don't misunderstand, the Republicans are just as or even more willing to employ the political philosophy that justifies means by their ends. It just happens that the Republicans are again in danger, of being vulnerable to guys like R-Kelly getting on TV and proclaiming "Bush hates black people."