Friday, August 29, 2008

Who is Sarah Palin?

Well... she's apparently the Governor of Alaska and now up for election the second highest office in the land. She's got a good reputation with those who know her, almost 90% approval rating in Alaska, but I share the worry with many, I'm sure, that a 44 year old with 2 years of experience as a governor is backing up a 72 year old who's had cancer. Then again... Obama's only had 2 years of experience as a senator and his name is on the top of the ticket.

I guess it's wait and see time. What do you think?

What others are saying:
BBC's take
It's a gamble for sure, but bold?
Promoted for all the wrong reasons? And is she the next Dan Quayle?>
Hilary approves
This guy's got it just about right I think. Though it's too soon to tell.


Anonymous said...

You should find the new Palin website that (humorously and unfavorably) compares Chuck Norris to Sarah Palin.

Good luck on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the links. (From a certain cousin Sara who spells it right. ;-)) said...

This was on a blog on the Economist and it pretty much sums it up:
'Wow! A "beauty queen" neoconservative with a B.S. degree from the University of Idaho is the best the Republicans can come up with? And with cancer prone McCain at 71years I believe that a vote for Palin is a vote for the next President of the United States.'

Why are people not running in the opposite direction? Would you trust her to talk to Hamas, much less develop a domestic policy which would not continue the Bush legacy?