Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A debate? Already?

Did you know? Tonight John and Barack will be chatting with a few dozen voters about this and that. Here are a few things to think about while you are watching.

1) Does McCain criticize Obama to his face? McCain is going to take a page from the Clinton play book and ask "will the real Obama please stand up?" Where as Hillary had trouble with alienating the Democratic base McCain has no such restrictions. He might try to hit Obama on taxes, inexperience and his political allies. All of which could hurt Obama... if McCain does it. The problem is that slinging mud can splatter at close range. McCain has to be careful to keep smiling while being disagreeable. Anger isn't going to play.

2) Does McCain answer on the economy? He's got an old stock answer that ought to work. "He'll raise taxes and that will hurt the economy." Repeat. The other thing McCain can do is explain that he's a regulator and that Obama has sided with those members of the Democratic party that allowed Freddy and Fanny to go under. Of course... Obama can hit McCain by pointing out that Republicans advocated for looser security regulations. See if McCain can stop the bleeding on the economy.

3) When it does get around to Foreign policy, can Obama link it to the economy. Is he able to discuss America's roll in the world and how he's got the answer to help save the globe's economy not just America's. Then, can McCain point out that Obama's anti-trade position won't help and that he's got the experience to get things done.

Prediction: Obama wins. This debate will be about the economy. The built-in advantages to the party out of the White House will trump any good or bad policy. As long as Obama doesn't mess up, and he won't, he can't lose. I believe that McCain can start making the case that his policies are better.... but he can't finish it. McCain's only built in advantage is that he's at home in the town-hall style and Obama can be stilted.

1 comment:

Blake On Wax said...

Well the snap polls have deemed Obama the victor again tonight. I think tonight's format sucked, but Obama did seem more presidential whereas McCain looked like a cranky old man. Especially the "That One!" exchange. If Obama can tie or win next week I think this thing is over, barring some unforeseen event.