Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some Debate Comments

The Worst Debate Ever - Politico
With the country at one of its most interesting — not to mention terrifying — moments in a generation, John McCain and Barack Obama met in Nashville for what was surely one of the dullest and least satisfying presidential debates in memory.

McCain's jabs fall short of Obama
- Newsweek via BBC.
John McCain was facing not one but two opponents. One was the Democratic nominee sitting on the bar stool across the red-carpeted stage from him. The other was his own veep nominee - who drew 70 million viewers to her debate against Joe Biden last week.

Paging Rick Warren - Fred Barns of The Weekly Standard

A presidential debate at its best gives voters a glimpse of a candidate's personality, quick-wittedness, likeability, sense of humor, judgment, basic honesty, knowledge, even character. If the debate is a success, voters get a sense of whether they'd be comfortable with the candidate in the White House for the next four years. Voters got none of that in last night's so-called town hall debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. What they saw instead were two presidential candidates mostly on autopilot, repeating whole paragraphs from their stump speeches in response to policy questions. Spontaneity was absent. So was lively discussion.

Stalemate works in Obama's favor - CBS news

An electorate starving for answers to the nation’s economic crisis didn’t receive much nourishment from the two presidential candidates in their second nationally televised debate. Aside from a new-sounding proposal from John McCain aimed at buying out troubled mortgages, both candidates relied on recitations of their stump speeches mixed with fresh empathy to try and convince voters they are best positioned to take over the reins of an increasingly chaotic and unsettled country.

Boring debate ends in bad feelings - National Review Online

This was the worst-moderated debate in the history of presidential debates,” one McCain campaign insider told me just moments after John McCain and Barack Obama left the stage at Belmont University in Nashville. “The audience and the American people should feel robbed — that the one opportunity they had to ask questions of the presidential candidates was taken from them by Tom Brokaw.”


Anonymous said...

Both the candidates seemed kinda bored, too. Their energy was blah, at best. Their talking points were just repeats of campaign ads -- I've got YouTube for that, guys.

Peculiar enough, both candidates liked to make jabs at each other (as if the other candidate wasn't there) to an audience that was asleep with their eyes opened. Felt bad for the audience members -- at a movie theater, at least you could walk out and ask for a refund. Here, not only did they have to be props, they also had to sit up and make sure they weren't drooling.

Then, we have Mr. Brokaw, who, as badass as he seems, never dared to open a can of whup-ass on the two rascally candidates that intentionally went over their minutes (to make more jabs at air). Even the cellphone company charges me for going over minutes. They should lose a turn or at least a portion of time allotted for the next question. Hey, more exciting, wouldn't it?

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