Friday, October 10, 2008

Good news everyone!

So I've been thinking about this for awhile and reading more about the market and finance than I ever wanted to in the last few days. There appears to be only one thing on which the experts seem to agree: they don't know what will happen next or when. However, as a rank amateur I am going to make a prediction. Are you ready?

All this stimulus has to have an effect eventually, money is money and it's pouring out of the federal government like it's going out of style. So... it's time to predict a bottom. That's right I'm going for it. Mark your planners it will be at roughly 7600 on Tuesday of next week. Now, don't expect a big ole rally and 1000 points back per day for a week. What I think we will get is a trading range similar to what we saw between 2004 and 2006. It will bounce between 8500 and 10500 for awhile. Then... it's likely to go up. That's when we need to start thinking about inflation and raising rates. This credit crisis averted the inflation crisis... but that problem isn't going away. It's a tough time for markets, no doubt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally should start our own market here by starting a bet.

Hey, they say dealer always wins, so you're not in such a bad position, Toby.