Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peggy Noonan

This is a bit dated considering the VP pick and Gustav... but it was just a few days ago that Obama gave his speech accepting the nomination of the Democrat party for president of the USA.

I thought it was a fine speech, nothing surprising, and filled with platitudes... but I forgive him for that. Why do I bring this up? Because Peggy Noonan was on MSNBC the day after the speech and was asked what she thought... it degenerated into a pseudo comentary on MSNBC's media bias and leftists in general.

I'm not often a fan of name calling, but this is just too creative to not make even me smile. Check it out.


2 comments: said...

Oh Fryer, I will be a dependent viewer of your blog from now on. I don't have cable t.v. so I miss a lot, now I know I will get the best of the news! So great!!
I personally like when Coulter's on CSPAN from time-to-time promoting her next book. She never fails to say something outlandish!

Toby said...

Hey, thanks for the feed back. I'll be sure to write something at least every day now that I know you're reading. Tell your friends! I'd love nothing more than for this site to become a community.