Monday, September 1, 2008


Well, feminism has a bit of work to do. Today we learned that Bristol Palin is pregnant. She's 17 and her mom is running for VP. It didn't take too long for folks on the Daily Kos and the Liberal underground to start measuring her up for a nice red "A." These are mostly (but not all I should note) men who claim to be progressive, liberal and caring about the plight of women calling a young girl in a tough spot a whore. Why?

Because they're filled with hate. Not hate for Bristol, she really is a victum both ways, they hate a conservitive ideology that Bristol's mother represents. So, they attack Sarah Palin though her daughter, implying bad leadership. If she can't keep her house in order... then how can she keep the nation in order. Right?

It's a strange argument and a sad one. Unfortunate things happen to families. Sarah Palin has not been a hypocrite vis-a-vis her daughter. Bristol is having a (shotgun) wedding and will raise her child. Listen, these things aren't ideal, but there's no souliton to being pregnant at 17. I'm not in the mood to praise Palin as some conservative suck-ups have, but I am going to side with my favorite politician of the day: Obama. Families are off limits and those who hurt Sarah Palin's family for political reasons ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Check out Obama reading the riot act Here. Good for you Barack.


e-Bomb said...

I agree with you.

Despite my own reservations about Palin's credibility to run as VP (I just can't get out of my head that Grand Daddy Mac just might croak anytime), I feel that involving her children in criticism is a cheap shot.

Come on. Life happens. It's hard enough that she's 17 and having a baby. She really doesn't need to carry her mother's burden, too.

Hey, great blogs! Keep it up!

~ Elaine said...

I agree. If anything, I think this will speak to a lot of minority parents whose children are having children. There is an influx of that going on in this country.

I also agree that these have been some great blogs. Love it!! Sorry I don't have any politically inclined computer friends to send here, but I'll try to help build this community. Where's Raney? ;) said...

Also, I just wanted to note it was interesting you said Obama's best days are when he's seemingly nowhere in sight. It has been said that is exactly how he won office in Chicago!

Blake On Wax said...

I agree that the press should take it easy on this kid. That being said it does say something interesting about the McCain campaign that they either thought this story wouldn't be a big deal, or they didn't care. If you ask most people to name the most significant thing that happened during the Clinton administration they'll probably mention Monica. Unfortunately political family scandals will always be played to death. I agree with you though about the latent sexism thats going on amongst many Liberals (not to mention the caller I heard on Air America talking about how Gustav proves that "God is a Liberal" due to the fact that its disrupting the GOP convention). That being said, in the past 24 hours we've all made a "how about that abstinence only sex education?" joke - admit it.

Toby said...

I guess I would have hoped that this story wouldn't be a big deal. Maybe McCain was a bit naive to assume that the bastard child gossip has become obsolete.

I used to like Ed Schultz on Air America, but since he's got syndication I'm not sure there's anything redeeming about it anymore. Best liberal political commentary on the radio is Alan Colmes in the middle of the night on 750am.

Now as to the joke. We all know you made it just because it's funny...

Toby said...


You know, I agree with you. It think that the Palin pick was a bit of a reach due to her lack of ability to step in on day one. However, it does bring up the experience argument, and it begs the question: "So if experience is important, then who's more qualified on the top of the ticket?" I actually think that by keeping "experience" or lack-there-of on the front burner Big Daddy Mac might actually win the political argument despite making a bit of a risky practical choice.

Anonymous said...

McCain camp: Questions on Palin's party a 'smear'

Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I think that when the more experienced candidate is a mere 4 years shy of the avg male life expectancy, it changes the equation. Palin has to be considered McCain's back-up president, and it shows poor judgment to pick someone with so little experience and after so little vetting.
I disagree with any liberals pointing the finger at Bristol. But although I feel a bit like a conspiracy theorist, the liberal blogs are compelling when they talk about Palin's mysterious pregnancy with Trig.. interesting that no one noticed a 3rd trimester belly, and Bristol was taken out of school for 8 mos. Deceit like that would certainly be relevant.
Mostly I worry that Palin will give a bad name to ambitious mothers everywhere as she tries to manage all these serious issues and roles, and fails. I've been a staunch supporter of Obama since the beginning, but these events are enough to make me miss Hillary.