Friday, September 26, 2008

The Debate

My first gut reaction was that this debate was very close. I'll write up my opinion tomorrow once I have had a chance to think about it a bit. But I wanted to know: what do you think?

Who won and why?

Did either guy have a moment that will end up being replayed over and over on the news?


Blake On Wax said...

I would really have to say this was a draw. That being said I feel McCain really needed a game changer this evening as Obama has a slight lead in the daily tracking polls and is doing VERY well in state by state polling with a much easier path to 270. Its hard to say how accurate a these polls are, but they look pretty good for Obama: now obviously the ones that will come this weekend will be more important along with the daily trackers next week, byut its still enlightening in my opinion, especially the opinions of undecideds. said...
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I have to agree with the draw. I knew Obama would be the better debater, but McCain stood his ground as best he could. Overtime, I do not think he will bode, so well though. It was obvious this was the first debate, the two of them were rough around the edges. Thank goodness there weren't so many "ahhh" moments from Obama!
Obama seems to have really set the tone for this debate, but more especially for future ones. This became apparent when McCain started using his rhetoric, like Main Street. He was really trying hard to get some sound bites, but I believe he more or less fell into Obama's rhythm and leading tactics. He would have been much more effective if he used lingo from his own campaign.
I was surprised by how much Obama flat out said he agreed with McCain, while McCain never reciprocated. I realize he expanded after this, but I wonder how many viewers did not hear anything after that. I am wondering if this is an attempt by Obama not to seem "too liberal," as McCain has been trying to accuse him of.
This is just my first impression of the debate. I believe Obama will get some momentum off of this debate because he clearly showed he has knowledge of key issues, which is the attack McCain's campaign has been trying to hammer home, as well as decisiveness and certainty shown through his elocution. For many, I believe they will flock to this speech characteristic alone, as the debates go on, because they will start to believe Obama can be their leader of "change."