Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The White Sox are my hometown team. Yeah, I know that they're from Chicago. And that I'm from Portland. We just don't have a team though. So I had to look elsewhere. I didn't really look far. After all, my father had me watching the Chi-Sox be bounced from the first round of the playoffs for years... that is when they weren't finishing in the basement of the AL central.

"Come talk to me on July 4th" my grandfather said when he heard that the 'Sox were leading the division in April. More often than not they'd be well behind by September. Well this year they were leading on the Fourth this year and tonight they even managed not to choke a good thing away by beating the Twins 1-0. We're going to the playoffs. My Chi-Sox almost blew it. Almost went home with all the promise in the world and a wasted 162 games. They're still likely to lose in the playoffs, heck 7 of 8 teams do. But, for tonight I'm excited to see a team I root for steal victory from the jaws of defeat.

We're in for a recession. Not like the one in 2001-2 or even the one in 1991-2. We're in for a big one. It's Wall Street's fault, it's congress's fault, it's the President's fault and everyone else to boot. It's not something we had to have, but we failed, and we've got it. Still, I'm hopeful that, like the 'Sox, those who don't give up are rewarded. I root for White Sox like I do for America: it's my hometown team. For America, it's likely that the infamous "well there's always next year" applies more than anything else. Still, the sun will probably rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow and I'm reassured that there will be next year. Tonight, my White Sox rose to the challenge of a challenging time... I sure hope my other home team will do the same.

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